About me..
This is such a good question,
I really wish I had a great answer but honestly I am just an average person who doesn't like what I see in this world right now with all this violence, hurt and abuse that seems to be dismissed so fast and easily. I want violence and abuse to NOT be dismissed at all and so I created "Hopeful Survivors". I want "HopefulSurvivors" to become the platform to accomplish this task and to help all those in the United States who need help with abusive situations.
Right now "Hopeful Survivors"is an organization in it's infancy stages. For a very short while it will be for mostly informational purposes. I am hoping in the very near future it will grow to be something much bigger. A nationwide program much needed and able to help the people that need it most in every way possible. That is my goal and it is a goal I know will come true with hard work and all the help I can get.
Please help me bring "Hopeful Survivors" to what I know it can which is a tremendous force to be reckoned with in the fight against domestic violence nationwide.
Thank you,
Hopeful Survivors