Who Are The Abusers?

Who Are The Abusers?

 Abusers are not easy to spot. There is no 'typical' abuser. In public, they may appear friendly and loving to their partner and family. They often only abuse behind closed doors. They also try to hide the abuse by causing injuries that can be hidden and do not need a doctor. 

Abuse is not an accident. It does not happen because someone was stressed-out, drinking, or using drugs. Abuse is an intentional act that one person uses in a relationship to control the other. Abusers have learned to abuse so that they can get what they want. The abuse may be physical, sexual, emotional, and psychological. 

Abusers often have low self-esteem. They do not take responsibility for their actions. They may even blame the victim for causing the violence. In most cases, men abuse female victims. It is important to remember that women can also be abusers and men can be victims.

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Hopeful Survivors by Patricia Rodolff is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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Hopeful Survivors by Patricia Rodolff is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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