Preparedness Information
Make a safety plan
There’s more then one type of safety plan so let’s begin with this one shall we.
When you enter and leave your work always have someone escort you to your vehicle or other transportation.
If you and your abuser work at the same place discuss with YOUR supervisor your options regarding scheduling, safety precautions and
employee/family benefits to YOU if you and your abuser are on the same benefit plan and ask about kids if they are involved. Additionally contact your local domestic violence victims services program.
Get Support. Call a domestic violence crisis help-line and/or attend a victims support group for at least 2 weeks to gain support from others and to learn more about yourself and the relationship with the abuser.
Do what is safe for you. If you have to communicate with the abuser and you might. Arrange to do so in a way that makes YOU feel safe. It could be by mail, phone, email or in the company of another person.
Safety And Your Children:
Tell Schools And Childcare. Let them know who has permission to pick up the child/children. Make a special code word between you and the kid or kids. One the abuser or friends of the abuser or anyone YOU do not trust will not know.
Have A Safe Place for The Child Or Children To go:
Find a safe place for the kid or kids to visit in case you are running late or emergency arises. Many communities have places like this just for these situations and some communities have them specifically for just this purpose.
While on the job. Tell somebody! Decide whom at work you trust and inform them of your situation, especially if you have a Protection From Abuse Order (PFA).
This may include office security if available. Remember to provide a PICTURE of the ABUSER if possible. It is your Right to request and Expect Confidentiality from those you disclose to.
Screen Your Calls. Arrange to have someone else screen and make a log of your telephone calls if possible.
Keep These Items With You At All Times. Use a backpack if needed. And backpacks are fashionable, cool and not unusual.
1.Keys- house, car, office, friends, family any you might need.
2.Medications, glasses, hearing aids and the batteries for them. Everything needed by you and your family daily.
3.Personal items you might need plus things like: your address book, pictures, cell phone, book and toys (kids get bored).
4.Copies of your spouse’s green card, or social security card, Identification or drivers license, passport and all immigration related documents.
5.Benefit cards such as your Medical Insurance card, Dental Insurance card for you and kids and any others.
Thank You,
Info Dogg.